We are ONLINE! Same great service, same great tutors!

Our sessions have moved online!

The whole team has worked very hard to innovate and modify our operations so you can continue to count on us just like aways! Unique learning opportunities, amazing tutors, a supportive and fun community and TONS of flexibility.

During this process we had lots of questions and you probably do too.
Here are a few:

How will this work? 
We are using a program called Zoom. It is very popular for online learning for good reason. It is easy to use and connects our team with your family.
When you receive your session reminders it will include a link to your tutor's 'table' - you just click the link and you are connected with your tutor. SIMPLE. 

How does it compare to in-person tutoring? My child needs that personal connection.
The platform is pretty amazing! It allows more connection and collaboration than you might imagine.  There is a shared whiteboard both the tutor and student can work on together as well as a lot of other neat features. You can even raise your hand, send high fives and more! 

There is nothing to work on with the extended school closure. What would they do?
What we always encourage our students to do when there is a lull in their workload. Fill in the gaps, strengthen the weak areas, look ahead to the harder concepts. Or if you need a bit of a boost, take a dive into the subjects and things that you enjoy! 

Can you still have 2 students working together?
Absolutely! Zoom has amazing flexibility. It will allow us to provide sessions for individuals, pairs, and small groups very easily.

Are there any new learning opportunities or options?
We are SO GLAD you asked! We really are. What did you have in mind? As always YOU tell us what you need and we make it happen for you. We have always and will continue to offer custom programs, we will have group sessions, workshops....learning galore! Stay tuned for announcements.

You know we love to hear from you, let us know what you'd like us to add to our menu! I mean lineup! Isolation makes us hungry. 

Sounds good! So now what?
For those of you who have sessions booked (regular sessions resume Sunday, March 22), we will see you online at your regular time :) Remember, your session reminders will have the info you need to connect with your tutor. It really is that easy! 

Otherwise, get in touch and we'll get you started on the learning path that suits you best! 

Ministry of Education Announcement
On March 20th, the Ministry of Education announced plans to provide independent learning materials online. The Study Studio is fully prepared and equipped to support the online options put forth by the Ministry. 

The truth is, we don't know what the rest of the school year will look like. But we DO know that the skills and knowledge that are required to move on to the next grade and be successful haven't changed. 

We sincerely appreciate your support in these times. Together we can keep our kids active, interested and ready to hit the ground running when routines normalize.

If you don't already, make sure you follow us on Facebook, we will be posting updates there. 

Go Team!