Grades 9 & 10 Math Boot Camps!

Feeling nervous about High School Math? You don’t have to be. The Study Studio BOOT CAMPS are here to prepare you for success in grade 9 and 10 mathematics.

These courses are specifically designed to review and reinforce key topics from last year, and introduce key concepts for the next course.

First, experienced tutors will review and reinforce critical concepts from last year, such as solving and graphing algebraic equations (Grade 9) and graphing linear equations and writing out the equations of lines (Grade 10).

Students will then be guided through the most challenging concepts of the coming school year, like Linear Equations (Grade 9) and Quadratics (Grade 10); priming them for continued success.

We know where students get stuck, and how to unstick them.

Factoring for Grades 11 & 12

Factoring is a key component of Grades 11 & 12 math, and students without a solid understanding will find these courses very challenging.

This 3 hour workshop keeps the focus laser tight on the skills and concepts you need to excel.